Online investor pitch decks

Pitch Deck Hosting allows you to upload your PowerPoint or PDF and create an online copy of your deck, viewable by anyone you send the link to.

It's the fastest and easiest way to share your pitch deck with investors.

Personalized emails in bulkPersonalized emails in bulk

Send your deck directly to investors

Embed the URL in your emails, or send out your deck to investors directly through the system. Each investor will receive a personalized, one-to-one email from you.

Seamless CRM integration.

Track views and visits

Turn on View Tracking and you will see who viewed your deck, how much time they spent, how many times they viewed it, and when they last visited. View Tracking is also a great way to gauge who is interested in your deal (and thus, most likely to write you a check).

Advanced deal analytics.

Track views

Raise capital faster and more efficiently

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