Fundingstack for Investment Bankers and Capital Raise Consultants

An Infinitely Scalable CRM for Raising Capital

Fundingstack’s CRM was built specifically around the needs of investment bankers, advisors and capital raise consultants making it the best CRM for raising capital. The ability to efficiently work with multiple clients in one account is a key feature of the platform.

Under your Master Account, you can set up an unlimited number of Deals – one for each client. Add your team and invite the company’s CEO and CFO to the account. Clients have access only to their Deal, whereas your team can access all Deals in the account.

Unlike legacy CRMs, setup is easy and does not require outside consultants. The user interface is modern, clean and simple, and the Deal Metrics tab gives you instant visibility into the funding progress of all your deals on one screen.

227,000 Global Investors At Your Fingertips

Access to a database of 227,000 global investors makes it an excellent tool for investment bankers and capital raise consultants. It includes venture capital, private equity, family offices, fund of funds, HNW and angels, endowments, trusts, foundations and other types of investors.

Search by Type, Industry, Location, Stage and Keyword. View contact information, descriptions, fund size, areas of interest, previous deals, and social media links.

Add relevant investors to your CRM with one click, and use the new “Get Intro” button to efficiently source the best 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree connection to land a warm introduction.

Welcome to fundraising for the modern world.

Bring Your Own Investor Data To The Party

If you already have an investor list, you can import it into the CRM by uploading a CSV. All data you import is private to your account only.

You can use your Master Account to aggregate all your investor contacts, and organize them by type of investor – e.g. one column for VCs, another for family offices – or by industry – e.g. one for FinTech, another for Healthcare.

You can then re-use, move and copy investor lists between pipelines and between deals using the Bulk Actions button, thus scaling your fundraising practice exponentially.

Deal Marketing Made Easy

Fundingstack also contains robust solutions for marketing your deal and generating investor interest.

Use the Pitch Deck tool to upload and send your deck, use the Investor Update tool to send a regular update or deal one-pager, and use the Send Email tool to do personalized follow up emails at scale (now with ChatGPT integration and Email Templates).

Finally, use the Virtual Data Room to run diligence and drive the deal home.

Fundingstack helps you raise capital for clients faster and more efficiently – thus helping you scale your business. Deal makers get it done with Fundingstack.

Raise capital faster and more efficiently

Made with in San Francisco, Valencia, Oslo, Cherkasy and Warsaw© 2022-     Foundersuite, Inc. dba Fundingstack